The Importance of Keeping Your Gutters Clean

Safe gutters

Many people see gutter cleaning as an unwelcome chore. However, it’s an important step to keeping your home safe and functional. Gutters help direct the rain and melting snow that flows off your roof away from doors and windows, and helps to keep the flow in safe areas like your yard instead of backing up against your house’s foundation. A clogged gutter can cause a number of problems.

Redirected Water Flow

The main purpose of a gutter is to direct the flow of water from your roof into designated safe areas such as a drain or yard where the water is absorbed by the grass. Clogs in the gutter can cause the water to spill out into areas where it may cause problems. This can include by your front door where it can freeze in the winter creating a safety hazard, places where the water can flow back against your home’s foundation, or even backing up into your roof.


Roof Damage

Regular gutter cleaning can help prevent roof damage that can be caused by a clogged gutter. When the flow of water is stopped by a clog it can lead to problems such a leaks, rotting roof material, and even mold. Letting leaves and other debris decay in your gutter can also lead to problems with insects, particularly carpenter ants and termites which feed on rotting woods.

Cleaning Your Gutters

If you don’t have the proper tools or experience to clean your gutters, it’s recommended to call a professional. A knowledgeable team can clean your gutter safely and efficiently, and usually quicker that you can do the job on your own. They can also inspect your gutter to let you know if you have any problem areas, and recommend a solution.


As you can see it’s best not to neglect gutter cleaning. Regular maintenance can help keep your roof and yard safe from water buildup that can lead to problems around your home.