How Gutter Screens Safeguard Against Unexpected Problems


Installing screens on top of your gutters will make them operate more efficiently and keep your home safer. Here are four important reasons why you should install gutter screens.

1. Avoid Messy Clean-Ups

Most homeowners don’t clean out their gutters as frequently as it needs to be done. It’s a dirty job, and besides leaves and dirt, you may find all sorts of gross and scary stuff in there. When people do get around to this burdensome task, they usually have to use their hands. Gutter screens spare you from ever having to reach into the unknown contents of a clogged gutter.

2. Stay Off of a Ladder

In order to clean your home’s gutters, you typically have to go at least ten feet up or higher. The surface that your ladder is resting on is usually soft such as grass or dirt, causing your balance to be uncertain. Frequently, people don’t move the ladder as often as is necessary while they work and instead lean and stretch to reach. The best solution is to avoid this dangerous task entirely by eliminating the need to clean out your gutters.

3. Prevent Ice Dams From Forming

When a gutter becomes even just slightly clogged, it can cause big ice dams to form along the side of your house in cold winter weather. Long icicles look kind of pretty, but they’re extremely hazardous and potentially deadly. If you use gutter screens and your gutters are unobstructed, there be significantly less chance of ice forming along the side of your house.

4. Keep Your Home Safe From Mold

When water sits in a gutter, mold formation is an inevitability. This mold can spread throughout the outside of your home as well as the inside. If you notice a particularly musty or mildew odor around where your gutters are located, it may be caused by mold. 

Make caring for your home easier by installing screens on your gutter system. You’ll avoid scary safety hazards and protect your home from mold.