Add Protection with Gutter Guards

As the seasons change, a frequent sight is people on their ladders cleaning their gutters. While a gutter’s benefit is immeasurable—protecting the house from water—its cleaning can be less than desirable. Homeowners may consider getting gutter guards, which often provide numerous hassle-free benefits.
The greatest benefit of this kind of system is that it helps prevent leaves and debris from blocking rain flow. This can significantly reduce the amount of time a homeowner has to spend on their roof or a ladder. Homeowners typically only need to clean out their gutters every couple years instead of twice a year.
Besides not having to get on the roof to clean, they can help reduce the potential for clogs, which may result in overflow down the home. These can lead to leaks in the basement and other rooms, which can create an environment for mold and mildew to grow. It can also impact a home’s foundation.
Since gutter guards are typically mesh, vinyl or aluminum sheets placed over the gutters, it keeps out more than just leaves. It may deter birds, insects and small rodents from making a nest. Their design typically results in minimal standing water, which mosquitos love.
Longevity is another potential benefit. No standing water can help the gutters age better and reduce rusting. While adding them does have an associated price tag, they often can help the drainage system last significantly longer. This could mean significant long-term savings. In the winter, proper draining can help eliminate a leak from freezing and causing damage.
For homeowners in areas frequently battling wildfires, these guards can help protect the home. Dry leaves and other material can ignite easily. This extra layers keeps material from settling, giving a floating ember nowhere to grow.
Like any purchase, the decision to install gutter guards requires research. Luckily, there are many professionals who can help a homeowner decide if it is right for their home.